The Actors tab in the RPG Maker MV database.
An actor is a playable character in an RPG Maker game. Named after movie actors, they can be controlled by the player, except when an event disables this functionality. They can be configured in the Database, where settings such as their name, appearance, stats, skills, and wearable equipment can be changed.
By default, the main actor can be moved around in a map by the player. The main actor can interact with events, either by directly inspecting them, or by triggering an event by moving on an event which reacts to it being walked on. Events can be configured to take away movement control from the player so that a scripted event or cutscene can take place without interference from the player.
Parties are formed and consist of multiple actors which the player have access to. Party members can be changed by use of event commands, so that a different group of actors can be controlled by a player.
A party can only consist of a limited amount of actors, usually four, but the limit is eight in RPG Maker MV and RPG Maker MZ. However, even in those programs, only four can battle at a time.