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RPG Maker Wiki

Show Text is a common event command used to show text in a window on the screen.


RPG games are known for presenting lots of text that the user is intended to read, so such a command is expected to be used often. Text such as character dialog, mission updates, and questions the player is intended to answer is presented using text windows which can be shown using this command.

This is the only event command that appeared as the first available event command in the PC RPG Maker series.

RPG Maker 2000[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the left side, specifically the first from the top.

RPG Maker 2003[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the left side, specifically the first from the top.

Text is shown in a window that appears by default at the bottom of the screen, but the Display Text Settings event command can be used to configure how the text appears on the screen. The Change Faceset command is used to set a face graphic to appear in the window.

Text is displayed in a fixed width font, allowing for up to 38 characters to be shown per line if a face graphic is displayed, and 50 characters without a face graphic. Up to four lines of text can be displayed at once.

Two lines are used to mark expected cut off where text put after each line can be expected to not fit in the window. The one to the left should be used to determine if text will be cut off if a face graphic is to be used, and the right line is used if there is no face graphic.

RPG Maker XP[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the top left group, as the first in the group.

Text is displayed in a variable width font in a window that appears at the bottom of the screen by default, but can be configured by using the Change Text Options. The window was intended to display up to four lines of text, however due to a sizing error the text box used for inputting text for the Show Text command only allows up to three lines to be written. A program included in Pokémon Essentials can be used to allow four lines of text to be written in the window.

No functionality exists to allow users to add face graphics to a text window, so scripts must be used to add this functionality if this is wanted functionality.

A line is used to mark expected cut off where text put after each line can be expected to not fit in the window. Due to the variable length text font used for text display, it is recommended that users test the game to ensure the text does not get cut off at the edge.

RPG Maker VX[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the top left group Message, as the first in the group.

Text is displayed in a variable width font in a window that appears at the bottom of the screen by default, but can be configured by the user. Up to four lines of text can be displayed at once. A face graphic can again be set to be used, but the Change Faceset command has been merged into the Show Text command as a basic operation. For the first time, the faceset now takes up the vertical size of the text window instead of being significantly smaller.

A preview mode is available to test how the text displays in the window, but it should not be used to determine if the text will be cut off, or at all if scripts related to displaying text are modified to add additional functionality to the command.

Two lines are used to mark expected cut off where text put after each line can be expected to not fit in the window. The one to the left should be used to determine if text will be cut off if a face graphic is to be used, and the right line is used if there is no face graphic. Due to the variable length text font used for text display, it is recommended that users test the game to ensure the text does not get cut off at the edge.

RPG Maker VX Ace[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the top left group Message, as the first in the group.

Text is displayed in a variable width font in a window that appears at the bottom of the screen by default, but can be configured by the user. Up to four lines of text can be displayed at once. A face graphic can also be set to be used.

A preview mode is available to test how the text displays in the window, but it should not be used to determine if the text will be cut off, or at all if scripts related to displaying text are modified to add additional functionality to the command.

A batch entry can be used to input more than four lines of text at once, which creates multiple event commands.

Two lines are used to mark expected cut off where text put after each line can be expected to not fit in the window. The one to the left should be used to determine if text will be cut off if a face graphic is to be used, and the right line is used if there is no face graphic. Due to the variable length text font used for text display, it is recommended that users test the game to ensure the text does not get cut off at the edge.

RPG Maker MV[]

Show Text Example RPG Maker MV

An example of a Show Text command being used to show a text box on the screen in RPG Maker MV.

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the top left group Message, as the first in the group.

Text is displayed in a variable width font in a window that appears at the bottom of the screen by default, but can be configured by the user. Up to four lines of text can be displayed at once. A face graphic can also be set to be used.

A batch entry can be used to input more than four lines of text at once, which creates multiple event commands.

A preview mode is available to test how the text displays in the window, but it should not be used to determine if the text will be cut off if custom fonts are used, or at all if plugins related to displaying text are used to add additional functionality to the command.

A line is used to mark expected cut off where text put after each line can be expected to not fit in the window. The line shifts in position depending on if a face graphic is used or not, as the face graphic uses space on the window. Due to the variable length text font used for text display, it is recommended that users test the game to ensure the text does not get cut off at the edge.

RPG Maker MZ[]

Show Text is listed on page 1 on the top left group Message, as the first in the group.

See also[]
