The Chairman's Quest is an RPG made with RPG Maker 2003. It is a free RPG Maker 2003 Fantasy Adventure game
Game Synoposis[]
Geoff, Shalla, Robby, and David were recent graduates of The Academy, appointed initially by the Chairman of one of the most powerful governments in the world to investigate what was hoped to me a minor concern and defend the region against this threat. However, they uncover a much larger plot which threatens the stability of the entire world. The quest the Chairman initially sent them on becomes a much larger assignment any of them could have ever imagined.
Join our heroes as they explore a diverse world and face down dangerous threats against an ever growing evil.
The world's regional governments are joined together to form the United Republic, although not every community is part of this main governing body. There are fifteen different regions, and a number of them have multiple communities within them. There is a library you will encounter early in the game - read the books on the shelves to learn more about the back story of the world's history.
The game follows the traditional RPG format of menu systems, shops, battles, towns, and dungeons.
There are also some surprises thrown in you may not expect when you enter certain areas. Completing them may seem pointless at first, but areas may be opened by completing them that you do not realize when you encounter them later in the game. They are entertaining nonetheless.
One minigame you would definitely want to complete is a group of individuals will ask you to play a game where they all go around the world and hide. Finding them all will yield a very powerful item that will be very helpful to completing the game.
Title and release information[]
Interested in trying this game? Download it here: It is freeware!